Monday, March 12, 2012

New Download

So I have not written a blog in quite some time. I have truly been asking the Lord to give me his download on what he wants me to say. Have you ever felt like you are in a position where you have to make a crazy decision. A decision that is not of the "norm". You try to "plan", "prep" and "prepare" for what lies ahead. However, sometimes you feel as though it is just not happening...I have come to the realization that sometimes God requires us to have "CRAZY FAITH". Faith that is unshakable. Faith that is not based on the happenings or what we see. Sometimes God will speak through you through many different avenues, but when they all connect and confirm each others word, you just know that he is the one speaking. Sometimes he will PURPOSELY allow what we might call a difficult situation to be placed before you in order to "push" you to take that "step" that you "have been meaning to take". Some of the boulders that seem to be thrown at you are "intentional". We need to be tested in order to be called "good and faithful servants". We say we believe God and we trust him. But do we trust his timing? Sometimes the thing that seems to be "your source" really is not. If God says jump, we don't even need to ask how high? We need to just jump. Truth be told, fear is the only thing that really hinders us from receiving all that God has in store for us. Are you tired of trying it your way? I know I am~~

Friday, March 2, 2012

Just Dance!

So I have been really contemplating on "dancing" and the reason why people are so "afraid" to dance. Have you ever noticed that at some weddings people are ashamed to dance (sometimes it's even the bride or groom)? Or at an event, it always takes a while before someone starts dancing, but when one person starts, it's like a wild fire. Ever wonder why? What is dancing? According to the online dictionary,  dancing is to move rhythmically usually to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures or to leap or skip about excitedly. So why is it that we are intimidated to dance? When you dance, you are able to release different emotions. When you hear a "beat" it infuses something within you, yet many times we hold back. I think that we are deceived or tricked into focusing too much on what other peoples opinion of us are, rather than fully experiencing the true joys that lies on the inside of us. Sometimes when you are going through a difficult time, you need to just dance and release. Whether you have music or not, turn up the excitement that lies within and express yourself. I truly believe that if we function in the true liberty that we possess in God, we would live a much more happy and fulfilled life. So when you feel heartache, when you feel pain, when you're sad, alone or afraid, just dance!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Let your light shine

So I have been really pondering on the reason why some people act in such a harsh manner toward others? So many people young and old are so bitter. It almost seems as though it's eating them alive. There are so many situations in life that can contribute to us having that type of demeanor. Sometimes it is very difficult because you can end up altering the way you are because of the way people treat you. The Lord had really ministered to me and he gave me this peace. Despite the way people treat you, you need to let your light shine. Don't allow people to take your spark away from you. Never allow people to stop you from showing love or being "sweet". Be yourself. Forget about pleasing people, focus on pleasing God. Love your neighbour, love your enemies, be honest, display integrity and be true to yourself. I believe that this is when you will find true happiness and satisfaction in your life.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


~Just thinking~
So we continuously watch what other people have, we focus on the accomplishments that they have made. Their material gain looks so appealing to our eyes. Their success stories are amazing. But what about what we are doing to elevate ourselves? What are you doing to make "your situation" a better one? We say we have "faith" but do we really? We all have dreams, ideas, visions & plan...
s for our lives, but sometimes OUR fear of the "unknown" holds us back. If we truly examine the success stories that we admire, you would notice that most of them "stepped out". You have to start somewhere. A small start doesn't mean it's an insignificant one, remember that Rome was not built in a day.
~Build your own EMPIRE~

Friday, February 3, 2012

Try to discover things in your own way

Just a thought~

Often times we tend to look at people among us and try to "mimic" or "copy" what they do. Sometimes we must try doing things our own way. God placed gifts and talents within all of us. They were designed to make us successful and to bless others. Try discovering things in your own way. You are smart, special and unique. Focus on excelling your dreams and goals, not on what everyone else is doing. It is ok to become inspired by someone, but use that inspiration to help create a better you.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"The Unexpected "

Have you ever felt like there was a situation or situations in life that happened unexpected? The things that just blow your mind in a negative way. Things that were not planned. The ones that seemed to hit you like a ton of bricks. Everything was seeming to be "ok" and then it happens, "the unexpected". Bad news, hurtful words, life threatening diseases, financial dilemma, turmoil in relationships and so on..So what do you do? Who do you turn to? Is there hope? Will it ever get better?  What is your next step? Truth be told many times the answers to those questions could easily be give up, it will not get better, it is inevitable, this is hopeless. You might naturally feel feelings of despair, sadness, anxiety, panic or doubt. I am here to encourage each and  everyone of you to hold on and trust God. Sometimes the Lord allows us to go through these situations to make us stronger, to make us wiser, to make us rely on him entirely. When my mum passed, it was TOTALLY UNEXPECTED. She experienced weaker points that she did prior to going into that hospital that day. When it happened, I felt all those feelings and so much more. I asked myself, how am I going to go on? But God is seeing me through. I am not saying that the pain ever goes away, but I am always able to turn to someone that will NEVER give up on me, someone who loves me more than I could ever love myself. Maybe your situation might not be the loss of someone, but you might be facing an "unexpected" event. Remember that God will never allow you to go through something without equipping you for it. Many times we are not aware of what we are made of, but when we face these things, it helps us to discover just who we are. I know that it might seem as though you will never be able to go on, but remember this to shall pass. So cry if you have to, share with your friends and find support in your family, but above it all remember that God is with you even until the very end of the world. We are so grateful to have easy access to his throne. All you have to do is talk to him. If you feel like you cannot handle it within yourself, give it ALL to him. We might not know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future.

~Lord Jesus I come before you on behalf of everyone that might be hurting today. Lord I lift up their situations before you and I ask you to give them clarity, peace and hope in you. I pray that you would minister to each and everyone of their individual needs. I cry out to you, asking this in no other name but the name of Jesus. Amen~

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

God always keeps us covered

Sometimes we might act on our emotions and make decisions that were random, impulsive or made based on "our judgement". Often times in situations like these, things don't always end up flowing easily. Then there are other times when we include God in our decisions (which truly is the best option). I have come to realise that no matter what the situation is, God always keeps us covered. Even when we "mess up", or waiver in our faith, he still grants us his mercy and grace.

~Thank You Jesus~

We can do ALL things

We can do ALL things

Place your life in God's hands

Place your life in God's hands