Friday, March 2, 2012

Just Dance!

So I have been really contemplating on "dancing" and the reason why people are so "afraid" to dance. Have you ever noticed that at some weddings people are ashamed to dance (sometimes it's even the bride or groom)? Or at an event, it always takes a while before someone starts dancing, but when one person starts, it's like a wild fire. Ever wonder why? What is dancing? According to the online dictionary,  dancing is to move rhythmically usually to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures or to leap or skip about excitedly. So why is it that we are intimidated to dance? When you dance, you are able to release different emotions. When you hear a "beat" it infuses something within you, yet many times we hold back. I think that we are deceived or tricked into focusing too much on what other peoples opinion of us are, rather than fully experiencing the true joys that lies on the inside of us. Sometimes when you are going through a difficult time, you need to just dance and release. Whether you have music or not, turn up the excitement that lies within and express yourself. I truly believe that if we function in the true liberty that we possess in God, we would live a much more happy and fulfilled life. So when you feel heartache, when you feel pain, when you're sad, alone or afraid, just dance!!!


  1. I love dancing and have no shame in it LOL.. Beautifully said!!!


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