Thursday, January 19, 2012

"The Kingdom Mindset"

So I was looking at the "sky" once again because it's my new fascination. I kept looking at the clouds and all of the beautiful formations. I kept asking myself why I was so intrigued by the sky? Why am I always wanting more? Why do I feel like the things I want to accomplish are so "out of this world? Suddenly everything started making sense to me. I truly believe that once you are a child of God, you feel a sense of connection to things that are not of the "norm". Things that are beyond human reasoning. When you think of your dreams, passions, visions and desires, do they seem big or just above average? If the answer is yes, I truly believe that you  have a "kingdom mindset". When you have a kingdom mindset you dream BIG. When you have a kingdom mindset, the things that you see yourself attaining are beyond your wildest imaginations. You BELIEVE that you can achieve things that others deem as impossible or "crazy". You never feel like you "fit in" because you are just so "different". I am definitely persuaded that it is ok, however, to think like the person you are, ROYALTY. If we say that we are children of the most high, then we should embrace the way in which we think. Our "daddy" is the ruler of the universe, the creator of all things. so it is inevitable that we would take on this "kingdom mindset". So embrace it, walk in it and keep dreaming and thinking BIG. I just love the sky!!!


  1. I love this blog pg it's very beautiful uplifting and inspiring, thanks for sharing it!!! MaY the the peace and comfort of Christ be with u in the bereavement period of the lost of your mother! GOD Be With U AlwaYs With Muah Love!!!

  2. Thank you for your kind words, I am happy it blessed you.


We can do ALL things

We can do ALL things

Place your life in God's hands

Place your life in God's hands