Monday, March 12, 2012

New Download

So I have not written a blog in quite some time. I have truly been asking the Lord to give me his download on what he wants me to say. Have you ever felt like you are in a position where you have to make a crazy decision. A decision that is not of the "norm". You try to "plan", "prep" and "prepare" for what lies ahead. However, sometimes you feel as though it is just not happening...I have come to the realization that sometimes God requires us to have "CRAZY FAITH". Faith that is unshakable. Faith that is not based on the happenings or what we see. Sometimes God will speak through you through many different avenues, but when they all connect and confirm each others word, you just know that he is the one speaking. Sometimes he will PURPOSELY allow what we might call a difficult situation to be placed before you in order to "push" you to take that "step" that you "have been meaning to take". Some of the boulders that seem to be thrown at you are "intentional". We need to be tested in order to be called "good and faithful servants". We say we believe God and we trust him. But do we trust his timing? Sometimes the thing that seems to be "your source" really is not. If God says jump, we don't even need to ask how high? We need to just jump. Truth be told, fear is the only thing that really hinders us from receiving all that God has in store for us. Are you tired of trying it your way? I know I am~~

Friday, March 2, 2012

Just Dance!

So I have been really contemplating on "dancing" and the reason why people are so "afraid" to dance. Have you ever noticed that at some weddings people are ashamed to dance (sometimes it's even the bride or groom)? Or at an event, it always takes a while before someone starts dancing, but when one person starts, it's like a wild fire. Ever wonder why? What is dancing? According to the online dictionary,  dancing is to move rhythmically usually to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures or to leap or skip about excitedly. So why is it that we are intimidated to dance? When you dance, you are able to release different emotions. When you hear a "beat" it infuses something within you, yet many times we hold back. I think that we are deceived or tricked into focusing too much on what other peoples opinion of us are, rather than fully experiencing the true joys that lies on the inside of us. Sometimes when you are going through a difficult time, you need to just dance and release. Whether you have music or not, turn up the excitement that lies within and express yourself. I truly believe that if we function in the true liberty that we possess in God, we would live a much more happy and fulfilled life. So when you feel heartache, when you feel pain, when you're sad, alone or afraid, just dance!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Let your light shine

So I have been really pondering on the reason why some people act in such a harsh manner toward others? So many people young and old are so bitter. It almost seems as though it's eating them alive. There are so many situations in life that can contribute to us having that type of demeanor. Sometimes it is very difficult because you can end up altering the way you are because of the way people treat you. The Lord had really ministered to me and he gave me this peace. Despite the way people treat you, you need to let your light shine. Don't allow people to take your spark away from you. Never allow people to stop you from showing love or being "sweet". Be yourself. Forget about pleasing people, focus on pleasing God. Love your neighbour, love your enemies, be honest, display integrity and be true to yourself. I believe that this is when you will find true happiness and satisfaction in your life.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


~Just thinking~
So we continuously watch what other people have, we focus on the accomplishments that they have made. Their material gain looks so appealing to our eyes. Their success stories are amazing. But what about what we are doing to elevate ourselves? What are you doing to make "your situation" a better one? We say we have "faith" but do we really? We all have dreams, ideas, visions & plan...
s for our lives, but sometimes OUR fear of the "unknown" holds us back. If we truly examine the success stories that we admire, you would notice that most of them "stepped out". You have to start somewhere. A small start doesn't mean it's an insignificant one, remember that Rome was not built in a day.
~Build your own EMPIRE~

Friday, February 3, 2012

Try to discover things in your own way

Just a thought~

Often times we tend to look at people among us and try to "mimic" or "copy" what they do. Sometimes we must try doing things our own way. God placed gifts and talents within all of us. They were designed to make us successful and to bless others. Try discovering things in your own way. You are smart, special and unique. Focus on excelling your dreams and goals, not on what everyone else is doing. It is ok to become inspired by someone, but use that inspiration to help create a better you.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"The Unexpected "

Have you ever felt like there was a situation or situations in life that happened unexpected? The things that just blow your mind in a negative way. Things that were not planned. The ones that seemed to hit you like a ton of bricks. Everything was seeming to be "ok" and then it happens, "the unexpected". Bad news, hurtful words, life threatening diseases, financial dilemma, turmoil in relationships and so on..So what do you do? Who do you turn to? Is there hope? Will it ever get better?  What is your next step? Truth be told many times the answers to those questions could easily be give up, it will not get better, it is inevitable, this is hopeless. You might naturally feel feelings of despair, sadness, anxiety, panic or doubt. I am here to encourage each and  everyone of you to hold on and trust God. Sometimes the Lord allows us to go through these situations to make us stronger, to make us wiser, to make us rely on him entirely. When my mum passed, it was TOTALLY UNEXPECTED. She experienced weaker points that she did prior to going into that hospital that day. When it happened, I felt all those feelings and so much more. I asked myself, how am I going to go on? But God is seeing me through. I am not saying that the pain ever goes away, but I am always able to turn to someone that will NEVER give up on me, someone who loves me more than I could ever love myself. Maybe your situation might not be the loss of someone, but you might be facing an "unexpected" event. Remember that God will never allow you to go through something without equipping you for it. Many times we are not aware of what we are made of, but when we face these things, it helps us to discover just who we are. I know that it might seem as though you will never be able to go on, but remember this to shall pass. So cry if you have to, share with your friends and find support in your family, but above it all remember that God is with you even until the very end of the world. We are so grateful to have easy access to his throne. All you have to do is talk to him. If you feel like you cannot handle it within yourself, give it ALL to him. We might not know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future.

~Lord Jesus I come before you on behalf of everyone that might be hurting today. Lord I lift up their situations before you and I ask you to give them clarity, peace and hope in you. I pray that you would minister to each and everyone of their individual needs. I cry out to you, asking this in no other name but the name of Jesus. Amen~

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

God always keeps us covered

Sometimes we might act on our emotions and make decisions that were random, impulsive or made based on "our judgement". Often times in situations like these, things don't always end up flowing easily. Then there are other times when we include God in our decisions (which truly is the best option). I have come to realise that no matter what the situation is, God always keeps us covered. Even when we "mess up", or waiver in our faith, he still grants us his mercy and grace.

~Thank You Jesus~

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"The implantation"

So I kept feeling my mom recently. Hearing her favorite scriptures and songs. Being in situations that just reminded me of her and so on. Tonight when we got back from church my 3 year old son looked up to the sky and he said, "Mommy you see that star there, that is grammie". I immediately turned to him and I asked, "Son what made you say that?". His little face glowed and he said, "You see how bright it is, it's just like her."  I turned to him and asked with tears in my eyes, "Do you miss her?" He responded yes, "But she is in my heart". Sometimes we often wonder why our loved ones are taken away from us? We know that they are with the Lord, however that pain and void tends to consume us ever so often. I truly believe that when you are connected to someone on not just an emotional but spiritual level, God allows a certain implantation to take place. My mother and I were closer than any words could ever describe. Ever since she passed, whenever I feel like I am in a difficult position, I feel something way down on the inside that just reminds me of her peaceful nature. She had so many things that seemed so "unfinished" . Many times we think that our loved ones that left us did not accomplish all that they were "supposed" to. But maybe they left an "implantation" with us. Maybe we were the ones that had to carry on their legacy. Maybe they passed the baton to us. The question is, are you going to drop it? I always say my mom had some HUGE shoes to fill, but my prayer is that I just continue to be a loving, understanding, patient, kind and selfless soul that she was. We don't need to "fill" their shoes, but I think we need to discover our own. I look at my children each and everyday and even though my pain is indescribable, I really wonder how do they feel? They adored my mother. They were her world. Every time I look at them I see something she implanted. Their praying hearts, their soft nature, the ability to discern, sensitivity and so much more. Even though they are gone from the natural, they implanted something within us that is powerful, everlasting and overwhelmingly special.
~Thank you Lord for the implantation, I am forever grateful. Mummy I miss you beyond measure, thank you for EVERYTHING you taught me. I pray that I will continue to be ALL that I can be for God's glory~

Saturday, January 21, 2012

How are you going into your new season?

Ok so we all know that 2012 is the year of Divine Government. The year of order, the year of the refreshing, the year where things are going to "turn around". So why is it that since the year started, there are still some things that seems to be the way they were before. Why is it that "our current circumstances" seems like they are not changing. Why are we still undergoing "attacks". Attacks in our finances, mind, health and overall state of being? We know that the best is yet to come. We know that all is well. We know that our future looks bright. We receive all of the great words we have heard time after time again. The question is, how are you going into your new season? The "easy" or most "inevitable" route would be to "break under pressure", to "give in" when troubles come our way. Do you think if you got a glimpse of your GREAT future that that would determine how often you wore your garment of praise? I truly believe that if we really saw where God is about to take us we would change the way in which we worship him. We would praise him "in spite of" the way we feel. We would give him our "ALL". God is not a man to lie. His promises are true. He wants to make us more like him. He wants to remove our ways and replace them with his ways. We often say the prayer, "Lord make me more like you". Do we really want to be like him? Do we really want to hurt the way he did? If God were to ask you to sacrifice your most prized possession, would you do it? Sometimes the reason why it seems like it is taking longer than it should, is because we are not quite ready to receive what he has in store for us. When we say, "Lord you are the potter, we are the clay", do we really mean that? Do we really want him to mold us, shape us and transform us into what HE wants to be? When the heat is on and we are being "pressed", "tested" or "challenged" we need to put on the "yet will I praise". The praise from deep down within. The praise "in spite of". The "Job Praise". So I ask the question again, "how are you going into your new season?"

~Lord make us more like you. Remove everything that is not like you. We submit all of our ways, thoughts and deeds to you. Remove our unrighteous nature. Make us pure and holy. Teach us how to love like you. Teach us how to trust you in the storm. Teach us how to wait upon you Lord. Break our heart for what breaks yours. We give ourselves to you. Do what you want to do within us. Shake up what needs to be shaken up. Purify us Oh Lord. Amen~

Job 13:15
Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him!!!
~I am going into my new season with PRAISE!!!~

Friday, January 20, 2012

Lift your head up high

Ever wonder sometimes why people dislike you for no apparent reason? Especially when you know you are trying to do better. Maybe it's because you remind them of who they are supposed to be:) Do not become weary in well doing. My daughter was singing this little song while I was getting her dressed for school this morning, "Don't look down, hold your head up". It was random, but powerful!!!
~Be encouraged today guys, hold your head up & continue striving for better~

Christmas Message

So I was listening to this wonderful Christmas Carole about Rudolph the red nose reindeer. I always laugh and sing it to my babies. However, I started to get a deeper message. He was always laughed at, picked on and just simply the "underdog" , left out and abandoned. It was not until I saw the movie that the pieces all tied in. He had to try and disguise who he truly was to "fit in". When Santa asked him to guide his slay, then the reindeer's had accepted him. From that moment on, they all wanted to be his "friend" or wanted some form of interaction with him. Even though they were considered the "in crowd" and acted as though they were better than Rudolph, he was the one that went down in History for doing something great. Rudolph, the "misfit" ended up being the one that was asked to help with a huge responsibility. Just like Rudolph, many times if we do not have a certain stature, class or rank in this world people tend to "look down at us". It may even go as shallow as the physical appearance. There are certain cliques or popularity groups that people segregate others from. These “groups and cliques" often act as though they are the only ones with some sort of significance in the world. Because of the need to feel accepted, people disguise who they truly are to "fit in". The only time they consider you is when you have elevated yourself or if they want to use you for what you have to offer, rather than who you are. Never allow anyone to make you feel less of a person or to use you for the betterment of themselves, at the cost of your happiness or freedom. Do not make anyone have control or power over your life. Keep pressing, smiling and just simply bringing what you have to the table. God loves to take the "misfits and the underdogs" and use them for excellence. So when people refer to you as a "misfit" or you feel like the underdog, get excited because your uniqueness will be used for greatness!!!

Life is precious

Remember to say "I love you" to the people you love. Say "I'm sorry" when you hurt someone. Forgive "in spite of", don't hold grudges, mend broken relationships & treasure precious moments. The gift of life was given to us by God and it is like a vapor. We are not in control of our lives, but we can purpose to make better choices today♥ Live each & every moment like it's your very last. Don't be afraid of change or something new. We all have our own "shoes" to walk in. Be clear on your "size".

Kingdom Agents don't "Fit in" they "stand out"

Just a thought♥
So I was looking at Avatar the movie & I started to ponder on some things. Have you ever wondered why sometimes you feel like you just don't "fit in"? I think it's because you're not "supposed to". Don't focus on "fitting in", but rather " standing out". Sometimes being "different" can be a great thing.
~Kingdom Agents~

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"The Kingdom Mindset"

So I was looking at the "sky" once again because it's my new fascination. I kept looking at the clouds and all of the beautiful formations. I kept asking myself why I was so intrigued by the sky? Why am I always wanting more? Why do I feel like the things I want to accomplish are so "out of this world? Suddenly everything started making sense to me. I truly believe that once you are a child of God, you feel a sense of connection to things that are not of the "norm". Things that are beyond human reasoning. When you think of your dreams, passions, visions and desires, do they seem big or just above average? If the answer is yes, I truly believe that you  have a "kingdom mindset". When you have a kingdom mindset you dream BIG. When you have a kingdom mindset, the things that you see yourself attaining are beyond your wildest imaginations. You BELIEVE that you can achieve things that others deem as impossible or "crazy". You never feel like you "fit in" because you are just so "different". I am definitely persuaded that it is ok, however, to think like the person you are, ROYALTY. If we say that we are children of the most high, then we should embrace the way in which we think. Our "daddy" is the ruler of the universe, the creator of all things. so it is inevitable that we would take on this "kingdom mindset". So embrace it, walk in it and keep dreaming and thinking BIG. I just love the sky!!!

All is Well

This remarkable saying was one of my mother's favorites. Sometimes when she was going through the most difficult trials in her life and I asked her if she was ok, she would always respond and say, "All is well". I never quite understood it fully at those moments in time. It was not until she had passed, that I started to realize exactly what this saying meant. Many people would say to me, "How are you doing it? You are so strong? How are you going on? Deep down inside I still felt feelings of hopelessness, loneliness and void. I started to realize however, that I was taking on the actions of the phrase, "All is well".When tough times came my way, I would hear, "All is well", when I was going through emotional pain I heard it again, "All is well", when the storms of life were ragging and overwhelming my being, there it was once more, "All is well". The words started to become my sense of comfort and peace. Sometimes you hear a saying or a word that has been spoken several times in your life and you might not fully understand it. Often times when we are in a difficult situation and we hear a word of hope, we do not "agree" with what has been said. I want to encourage you to believe that it will get better. God sees your desires, he searches deep within your heart. He loves you more than anyone else can. He feels what you feel. If you know him and you call him your savior, you have automatically become a child of the most high. Just think about that, the creator of this Universe, the one who made you and knows every detail about your life, has called you his child and wants to offer you all of his tremendous promises. Life is a precious gift and every day we wake up with breath in our bodies, there is hope to go on; promises to be fulfilled and new mercies. There are going to be sad times, hardships and times when you feel like you cannot go on, but remember  God has a magnificent purpose for your life. He has the most beautiful plans for you. All we have to do is believe and agree with what he says against all odds. Even though it might seem like it is impossible in your present situation, remember to have faith to believe that, "All is well".

The "Under dogs" and the "Misfits"

So I was listening to this wonderful Christmas Carole about Rudolph the red nose reindeer. I always laugh and sing it to my babies. However, I started to get a deeper message. He was always laughed at, picked on and just simply the "underdog" , left out and abandoned. It was not until I saw the movie that the pieces all tied in. He had to try and disguise who he truly was to "fit in". When Santa had asked him to guide his slay, then the reindeer's had accepted him. From that moment on, they all wanted to be his "friend" or wanted some form of interaction with him. Even though they were considered the "in crowd" and acted as though they were better than Rudolph, he was the one that went down in History for doing something great. Rudolph, the "misfit" ended up being the one that was asked to help with a huge responsibility. Just like Rudolph, many times if we do not have a certain stature, class or rank in this world people tend to "look down at us". It may even go as shallow as the physical appearance. There are certain cliques or popularity groups that people segregate others from. These “groups and cliques" often act as though they are the only ones with some sort of significance in the world. Because of the need to feel accepted, people disguise who they truly are to "fit in". The only time they consider you is when you have elevated yourself or if they want to use you for what you have to offer, rather than who you are. Never allow anyone to make you feel less of a person or to use you for the betterment of themselves, at the cost of your happiness or freedom. Do not make anyone have control or power over your life. Keep pressing, smiling and just simply bringing what you have to the table. God loves to take the "misfits and the underdogs" and use them for excellence. So when people refer to you as a "misfit" or you feel like the underdog, get excited because your uniqueness will be used for greatness!!!

"Your Assignment"

So I have been working on this piece for a couple of days now. I have been carefully observing various people (including myself) and the way in which we do or don't do certain things in life. The way in which we allow fear and doubt to cripple  and hinder us from stepping out and taking chances. It was not until I heard some words of wisdom from Pastor Aj Wright, Lady Charlotte Wright and Bishop Mc Cray that all of the pieces began to fuse together. Often times we find ourselves just "existing", we go through numerous circumstances and sometimes fall into a state of "defeat". We become complacent, just "accepting" all of the negative things that are thrown our way. We formulate different excuses as to why these feelings of low self-esteem, pain and torment are "acceptable". We look to others to give us a "word of encouragement" or a "message" and then we somehow end up just falling  along the way once more. Have you ever wondered why you are here? What is your purpose? Why were you created and what were you created to do? Or maybe you know the answers to all of those questions. But are you really fulfilling all that was placed within you, all that you were called to do? Sometimes we are aware of "our calling" or we might be familiar with our gifts and talents. But are you clear on "your assignment?" We were ALL created by God in his own image and likeness. We can all say that we "love" God or we "know him". But are we really pleasing him? There are always going to be people in this world to criticize the good that you do. There will be others that are just waiting to see you fall. Sometimes we wonder why does all the bad things happen to good people? Why do we have to go through so much hurt in this life? When will it ever get better? I challenge you to seek the one who knows you inside out. The one who knows the exact amount of hair strands on your head. The one who knows your name. The one who feels what you feel. The one who sticks closer than a brother. The one who can mend every broken situation in your life. The one who can restore you and make you whole. The mind regulator and problem solver. The one who provides peace that passes all understanding. So many times we look to others to "fix us". But I challenge you to look to Jesus. He is the best doctor you can ever ask for. He can touch your mental and physical being. Many are called but chosen are few. You are here for a great purpose. Your assignment is given to you by God himself. Don't allow fear and the opinion of others to hinder you from releasing all that God has called you to do. Don't allow the "difficult" situations to stop you from being all that you were called to be. Sometimes you cannot live by sight, but rather by faith. If you are tired of the same thing, then do something to make a difference. Do something to provoke change. Take the risk of looking like a "fool". So I challenge you once more, if you are uncertain about the reason why you are here or you are not fulfilling your assignment for whatever reason, spend some time with the master. I guarantee you that you will receive complete clarification and total revelation on "your assignment". Be blessed and remember we are more than conquerors through Christ that gives us strength.
~Mathew 6:33~Jerimiah 29:11~

I was called to Serve

When I lost my mother to breast cancer April of last year I felt feelings of anger, sadness, pain, hurt, regret, loneliness and disbelief. My entire world felt as though it was caving in. My mother was not just a mum to me, but she was my best friend, support, encourager and # one fan. My kids adored her. It's been 7 months now and I still experience feelings of emptiness. It's funny because many times in death, people tend to become distant, cold or withdrawn for whatever reasons. My mother always had a pure heart for others and I guess the mantle was passed down to me. A month or two after she passed I said to myself, "I give up!!". I am tired of trying, tired of always doing the right thing, tired of "going through". To my surprise the Lord had another plan. I have always been a person to disguise my feelings of hurt and pain, so when people asked me if I was ok I would always say, "Yes I'm fine". I was masking my true feelings.Trying to keep it all bottled inside. One night when I was listening to one of my mom's favorite songs something triggered that "switch" of tears and sorrow. Normally I am able to turn that "switch" on and off but that night however I was unable to. I laid in my bed and drenched my pillow with my tears that flowed for hours. I kept asking, "why? why?why? At that moment in time I felt this warm presence soothing my painful heart. I made a vow to my mom and the Lord that even though I am going through the "process" of dealing with her death, that I will be the best I can be, I will allow him to make my name great, I will serve him with all my might and that I would be a light to my peers. I heard this soft voice say to me, "healed to serve". I remember my mother saying that to us after she was diagnosed back in 2006. The next Tuesday I went to a service at my church and my wonderful Pastor had ministered to me and told me that my mother's anointing rests on me. I shared this because sometimes we might be going through the most difficult time in our lives, as human beings we tend to "mask our true emotions". But if you allow God's presence to lead and direct your life, you do not always have to know why, but when it's all said and done and we have gone through our "process" we are called to serve. Sometimes the things you go through are not for you, but are designed to help someone else:)
Stay tuned for the book Guys!!

We can do ALL things

We can do ALL things

Place your life in God's hands

Place your life in God's hands