Saturday, January 21, 2012

How are you going into your new season?

Ok so we all know that 2012 is the year of Divine Government. The year of order, the year of the refreshing, the year where things are going to "turn around". So why is it that since the year started, there are still some things that seems to be the way they were before. Why is it that "our current circumstances" seems like they are not changing. Why are we still undergoing "attacks". Attacks in our finances, mind, health and overall state of being? We know that the best is yet to come. We know that all is well. We know that our future looks bright. We receive all of the great words we have heard time after time again. The question is, how are you going into your new season? The "easy" or most "inevitable" route would be to "break under pressure", to "give in" when troubles come our way. Do you think if you got a glimpse of your GREAT future that that would determine how often you wore your garment of praise? I truly believe that if we really saw where God is about to take us we would change the way in which we worship him. We would praise him "in spite of" the way we feel. We would give him our "ALL". God is not a man to lie. His promises are true. He wants to make us more like him. He wants to remove our ways and replace them with his ways. We often say the prayer, "Lord make me more like you". Do we really want to be like him? Do we really want to hurt the way he did? If God were to ask you to sacrifice your most prized possession, would you do it? Sometimes the reason why it seems like it is taking longer than it should, is because we are not quite ready to receive what he has in store for us. When we say, "Lord you are the potter, we are the clay", do we really mean that? Do we really want him to mold us, shape us and transform us into what HE wants to be? When the heat is on and we are being "pressed", "tested" or "challenged" we need to put on the "yet will I praise". The praise from deep down within. The praise "in spite of". The "Job Praise". So I ask the question again, "how are you going into your new season?"

~Lord make us more like you. Remove everything that is not like you. We submit all of our ways, thoughts and deeds to you. Remove our unrighteous nature. Make us pure and holy. Teach us how to love like you. Teach us how to trust you in the storm. Teach us how to wait upon you Lord. Break our heart for what breaks yours. We give ourselves to you. Do what you want to do within us. Shake up what needs to be shaken up. Purify us Oh Lord. Amen~

Job 13:15
Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him!!!
~I am going into my new season with PRAISE!!!~

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