Thursday, January 19, 2012

The "Under dogs" and the "Misfits"

So I was listening to this wonderful Christmas Carole about Rudolph the red nose reindeer. I always laugh and sing it to my babies. However, I started to get a deeper message. He was always laughed at, picked on and just simply the "underdog" , left out and abandoned. It was not until I saw the movie that the pieces all tied in. He had to try and disguise who he truly was to "fit in". When Santa had asked him to guide his slay, then the reindeer's had accepted him. From that moment on, they all wanted to be his "friend" or wanted some form of interaction with him. Even though they were considered the "in crowd" and acted as though they were better than Rudolph, he was the one that went down in History for doing something great. Rudolph, the "misfit" ended up being the one that was asked to help with a huge responsibility. Just like Rudolph, many times if we do not have a certain stature, class or rank in this world people tend to "look down at us". It may even go as shallow as the physical appearance. There are certain cliques or popularity groups that people segregate others from. These “groups and cliques" often act as though they are the only ones with some sort of significance in the world. Because of the need to feel accepted, people disguise who they truly are to "fit in". The only time they consider you is when you have elevated yourself or if they want to use you for what you have to offer, rather than who you are. Never allow anyone to make you feel less of a person or to use you for the betterment of themselves, at the cost of your happiness or freedom. Do not make anyone have control or power over your life. Keep pressing, smiling and just simply bringing what you have to the table. God loves to take the "misfits and the underdogs" and use them for excellence. So when people refer to you as a "misfit" or you feel like the underdog, get excited because your uniqueness will be used for greatness!!!

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