Thursday, January 19, 2012

All is Well

This remarkable saying was one of my mother's favorites. Sometimes when she was going through the most difficult trials in her life and I asked her if she was ok, she would always respond and say, "All is well". I never quite understood it fully at those moments in time. It was not until she had passed, that I started to realize exactly what this saying meant. Many people would say to me, "How are you doing it? You are so strong? How are you going on? Deep down inside I still felt feelings of hopelessness, loneliness and void. I started to realize however, that I was taking on the actions of the phrase, "All is well".When tough times came my way, I would hear, "All is well", when I was going through emotional pain I heard it again, "All is well", when the storms of life were ragging and overwhelming my being, there it was once more, "All is well". The words started to become my sense of comfort and peace. Sometimes you hear a saying or a word that has been spoken several times in your life and you might not fully understand it. Often times when we are in a difficult situation and we hear a word of hope, we do not "agree" with what has been said. I want to encourage you to believe that it will get better. God sees your desires, he searches deep within your heart. He loves you more than anyone else can. He feels what you feel. If you know him and you call him your savior, you have automatically become a child of the most high. Just think about that, the creator of this Universe, the one who made you and knows every detail about your life, has called you his child and wants to offer you all of his tremendous promises. Life is a precious gift and every day we wake up with breath in our bodies, there is hope to go on; promises to be fulfilled and new mercies. There are going to be sad times, hardships and times when you feel like you cannot go on, but remember  God has a magnificent purpose for your life. He has the most beautiful plans for you. All we have to do is believe and agree with what he says against all odds. Even though it might seem like it is impossible in your present situation, remember to have faith to believe that, "All is well".

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