Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Your Assignment"

So I have been working on this piece for a couple of days now. I have been carefully observing various people (including myself) and the way in which we do or don't do certain things in life. The way in which we allow fear and doubt to cripple  and hinder us from stepping out and taking chances. It was not until I heard some words of wisdom from Pastor Aj Wright, Lady Charlotte Wright and Bishop Mc Cray that all of the pieces began to fuse together. Often times we find ourselves just "existing", we go through numerous circumstances and sometimes fall into a state of "defeat". We become complacent, just "accepting" all of the negative things that are thrown our way. We formulate different excuses as to why these feelings of low self-esteem, pain and torment are "acceptable". We look to others to give us a "word of encouragement" or a "message" and then we somehow end up just falling  along the way once more. Have you ever wondered why you are here? What is your purpose? Why were you created and what were you created to do? Or maybe you know the answers to all of those questions. But are you really fulfilling all that was placed within you, all that you were called to do? Sometimes we are aware of "our calling" or we might be familiar with our gifts and talents. But are you clear on "your assignment?" We were ALL created by God in his own image and likeness. We can all say that we "love" God or we "know him". But are we really pleasing him? There are always going to be people in this world to criticize the good that you do. There will be others that are just waiting to see you fall. Sometimes we wonder why does all the bad things happen to good people? Why do we have to go through so much hurt in this life? When will it ever get better? I challenge you to seek the one who knows you inside out. The one who knows the exact amount of hair strands on your head. The one who knows your name. The one who feels what you feel. The one who sticks closer than a brother. The one who can mend every broken situation in your life. The one who can restore you and make you whole. The mind regulator and problem solver. The one who provides peace that passes all understanding. So many times we look to others to "fix us". But I challenge you to look to Jesus. He is the best doctor you can ever ask for. He can touch your mental and physical being. Many are called but chosen are few. You are here for a great purpose. Your assignment is given to you by God himself. Don't allow fear and the opinion of others to hinder you from releasing all that God has called you to do. Don't allow the "difficult" situations to stop you from being all that you were called to be. Sometimes you cannot live by sight, but rather by faith. If you are tired of the same thing, then do something to make a difference. Do something to provoke change. Take the risk of looking like a "fool". So I challenge you once more, if you are uncertain about the reason why you are here or you are not fulfilling your assignment for whatever reason, spend some time with the master. I guarantee you that you will receive complete clarification and total revelation on "your assignment". Be blessed and remember we are more than conquerors through Christ that gives us strength.
~Mathew 6:33~Jerimiah 29:11~

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